87. This can lead to a xenophobic mentality, as people close in on themselves, and it needs to be addressed decisively”. ENCYCLICAL LETTER FRATELLI TUTTI OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON FRATERNITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP. Those who do so become stars shining in the midst of darkness. [137] Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See (12 January 2015): AAS 107 (2015), 165; cf. That is why world politics needs to make the effective elimination of hunger one of its foremost and imperative goals. No authentic, profound and enduring change is possible unless it starts from the different cultures, particularly those of the poor. They may be citizens with full rights, yet they are treated like foreigners in their own country. Fratelli tutti je v poradí tretia encyklika hlavy Katolíckej cirkvi, pápeža Františka.Jej podnadpis je O bratstve a sociálnom priateľstve.Radí sa medzi sociálne encykliky, skladá sa z 287 odsekov rozdelených do ôsmich kapitol. What is needed is a model of social, political and economic participation “that can include popular movements and invigorate local, national and international governing structures with that torrent of moral energy that springs from including the excluded in the building of a common destiny”, while also ensuring that “these experiences of solidarity which grow up from below, from the subsoil of the planet – can come together, be more coordinated, keep on meeting one another”. Yet “between selfish indifference and violent protest there is always another possible option: that of dialogue. [121] From the standpoint of integral development, this presupposes “giving poorer nations an effective voice in shared decision-making”[122] and the capacity to “facilitate access to the international market on the part of countries suffering from poverty and underdevelopment”.[123]. "[20] He adds that the Catholic Church is committed to the worldwide abolition of the death penalty; he explains: "The firm rejection of the death penalty shows to what extent it is possible to recognize the inalienable dignity of every human being and to accept that he or she has a place in this universe. [275], 280. Pope Francis adds: "All of us have a responsibility for the wounded" and "We should not expect everything from those who govern us, for that would be childish. Fratelli Tutti is a social encyclical, that is, it concerns the Church's social doctrine, which is a part of the Church's long-standing moral teaching. For Christians, this way of thinking and acting is unacceptable, since it sets certain political preferences above deep convictions of our faith: the inalienable dignity of each human person regardless of origin, race or religion, and the supreme law of fraternal love. "[6], Pope Francis signed Fratelli tutti on 3 October 2020 in Assisi, at the tomb of Francis of Assisi in the eponymous basilica. “That light is both the light of reason and the light of faith”,[180] and does not admit any form of relativism. of a better world . 105. Queasy listening! Fratelli Tutti and the Crisis of Liberalism 1. In this regard, I wish to cite the following memorable statement: “If there is no transcendent truth, in obedience to which man achieves his full identity, then there is no sure principle for guaranteeing just relations between people. The monks realized that the values they sought to cultivate had to be accompanied by a readiness to move beyond themselves in openness to others. [258] The firm rejection of the death penalty shows to what extent it is possible to recognize the inalienable dignity of every human being and to accept that he or she has a place in this universe. Fratelli tutti. [78] This false universalism ends up depriving the world of its various colours, its beauty and, ultimately, its humanity. If we go to the ultimate source of that love which is the very life of the triune God, we encounter in the community of the three divine Persons the origin and perfect model of all life in society. Everything else is commentary”. Government leaders should be the first to make the sacrifices that foster encounter and to seek convergence on at least some issues. The first is universal love. The way many platforms work often ends up favouring encounter between persons who think alike, shielding them from debate. [134] Cf. 157. [185] It will likewise inspire intense efforts to ensure that “everything be done to protect the status and dignity of the human person”. When conflicts are not resolved but kept hidden or buried in the past, silence can lead to complicity in grave misdeeds and sins. [4][57], On 20 May 2021, the Fratelli Tutti Political School was created. [8] This signature marked the first time a papal encyclical was signed outside Rome. He defines good politics as politics that attempt to build communities and hear all opinions. Nor will it trouble us to be deemed naive for choosing peace. The problems that a society is experiencing need to be clearly identified, so that the existence of different ways of understanding and resolving them can be appreciated. 43. “Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling. Theologia Moralis Fundamentalis. Fratelli tutti (All Brothers) is the third encyclical of Pope Francis, subtitled "on fraternity and social friendship". In the face of so much pain and suffering, our only course is to imitate the Good Samaritan. 285. Solidarity, in the ethical-political meaning that it has taken on in the last two centuries, results in a secure and firm social compact. People can develop certain habits that might appear as moral values: fortitude, sobriety, hard work and similar virtues. "[43], Jesuit James Martin praises the encyclical, for he says the encyclical "ratifies a change in church teaching" because it declares the death penalty "inadmissible" and states that Catholics should work to abolish it. In political activity, we should remember that, “appearances notwithstanding, every person is immensely holy and deserves our love. [106] Cf. This is even more the case in times of crisis, catastrophe and hardship, when we are tempted to think in terms of the old saying, “every man for himself”. [103], 124. and calls for a new culture of fraternity and dialogue. [82] Investments in assistance to the vulnerable could prove unprofitable; they might make things less efficient. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of the possibility of legitimate defence by means of military force, which involves demonstrating that certain “rigorous conditions of moral legitimacy”[239] have been met. Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together. [43] Address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See (13 January 2014): AAS 106 (2014), 84. It often happens that good ideas are not accepted by the poorer sectors of society because they are presented in a cultural garb that is not their own and with which they cannot identify. "[20], The encyclical is inspired by the Abu Dhabi declaration. Seeing ourselves from the perspective of another, of one who is different, we can better recognize our own unique features and those of our culture: its richness, its possibilities and its limitations. [20] The Pope considers that a good economic policy is one which creates jobs, not one which removes them. [123] PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 447. 82. [113] Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See, 11 January 2016: AAS 108 (2016), 124. Is it possible to be concerned for truth, to seek the truth that responds to life’s deepest meaning? [34], In the encyclical, Pope Francis states the way the COVID-19 pandemic was managed by world countries has shown a failure in global cooperation. While acknowledging that it might detract from the discipline and silence of monasteries, Benedict nonetheless insisted that “the poor and pilgrims be treated with the utmost care and attention”. Yet the processes of change that lead to lasting peace are crafted above all by peoples; each individual can act as an effective leaven by the way he or she lives each day. The overview document includes a helpful chapter by chapter summary of the document, and the summary provides a one-page introduction to some of Fratelli Tutti's main themes.Use these to accompany your reading and reflection on the full . Be inspired to embrace the themes dear to the heart of the beloved saint with these quotes on fraternity and social friendship. [97] All other rights having to do with the goods necessary for the integral fulfilment of persons, including that of private property or any other type of property, should – in the words of Saint Paul VI – “in no way hinder [this right], but should actively facilitate its implementation”. Pope Francis asks for recognition of the dignity of each person, in order to build a more just world. Pròximament es publicarà a la revista Documents d'Església. [191] Video Message to the TED Conference in Vancouver (26 April 2017): L’Osservatore Romano, 27 April 2017, p. 7. Finally, I would note that in another passage of the Gospel Jesus says: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Mt 25:35). His problems are theirs… In families, everyone contributes to the common purpose; everyone works for the common good, not denying each person’s individuality but encouraging and supporting it. [66] For this reason, “man always has to take up the challenge of moving beyond himself”.[67]. [27][15] Most of the encyclical contains what the Pope has already said, and can be considered as a systematic, comprehensive rearrangement of the work Francis has produced during his seven-year papacy. Immigrants are seen as usurpers who have nothing to offer. Our world is encountering growing difficulties on the slow path to peace upon which it had embarked and which had already begun to bear good fruit. As the Bishops of Portugal have taught, the earth “is lent to each generation, to be handed on to the generation that follows”. 104. [194], 196. Nowadays, what do certain words like democracy, freedom, justice or unity really mean? In his third encyclical, Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis reflects on a topic of great importance: human solidarity and friendship. In this regard, Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb and I have called upon “the architects of international policy and world economy to work strenuously to spread the culture of tolerance and of living together in peace; to intervene at the earliest opportunity to stop the shedding of innocent blood”. For these reasons, the Church, while respecting the autonomy of political life, does not restrict her mission to the private sphere. Fratelli Tutti marks the return of "Frank the Hippie Pope." Early in Francis's pontificate, the YouTube Channel "Lutheran Satire" created a funny cartoon called Frank the Hippie Pope. For “love shatters the chains that keep us isolated and separate; in their place, it builds bridges. Difficult. [118], 136. Let us stop feeling sorry for ourselves and acknowledge our crimes, our apathy, our lies. [37] Those who emigrate “experience separation from their place of origin, and often a cultural and religious uprooting as well. Such a covenant also demands the realization that some things may have to be renounced for the common good. Its possibilities for development narrow; it grows weary and infirm. This is the true path of peace, not the senseless and myopic strategy of sowing fear and mistrust in the face of outside threats. [189] Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, Abu Dhabi (4 February 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 4-5 February 2019, p. 6. In this way, fear deprives us of the desire and the ability to encounter the other”.[45]. St Francis of Assisi used to say: "All brothers and sisters". [217], 232. The effective distribution of power (especially political, economic, defence-related and technological power) among a plurality of subjects, and the creation of a juridical system for regulating claims and interests, are one concrete way of limiting power. We should also recognize that destructive forms of fanaticism are at times found among religious believers, including Christians; they too “can be caught up in networks of verbal violence through the internet and the various forums of digital communication. [165] This entails working for a social and political order whose soul is social charity. He also gave him something that in our frenetic world we cling to tightly: he gave him his time. At a time when various forms of fundamentalist intolerance are damaging relationships between individuals, groups and peoples, let us be committed to living and teaching the value of respect for others, a love capable of welcoming differences, and the priority of the dignity of every human being over his or her ideas, opinions, practices and even sins. That gaze is at the heart of the authentic spirit of politics. Nor should we naively refuse to recognize that “obsession with a consumerist lifestyle, above all when few people are capable of maintaining it, can only lead to violence and mutual destruction”. 35. RELIGIONS AT THE SERVICE OF FRATERNITY IN OUR WORLD, 271. Indeed, there are markets where individuals become mere consumers or bystanders. They will certainly not need a proactive state; they need only claim their freedom. As examples, we may cite: increasing and simplifying the granting of visas; adopting programmes of individual and community sponsorship; opening humanitarian corridors for the most vulnerable refugees; providing suitable and dignified housing; guaranteeing personal security and access to basic services; ensuring adequate consular assistance and the right to retain personal identity documents; equitable access to the justice system; the possibility of opening bank accounts and the guarantee of the minimum needed to survive; freedom of movement and the possibility of employment; protecting minors and ensuring their regular access to education; providing for programmes of temporary guardianship or shelter; guaranteeing religious freedom; promoting integration into society; supporting the reuniting of families; and preparing local communities for the process of integration. [22][33] He adds that liberty and equality are nothing without fraternity. It has also shown that, in addition to recovering a sound political life that is not subject to the dictates of finance, “we must put human dignity back at the centre and on that pillar build the alternative social structures we need”. A kind of “deconstructionism”, whereby human freedom claims to create everything starting from zero, is making headway in today’s culture. The mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for the whole human family. [259] CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF INDIA, Response of the Church in India to the Present-day Challenges (9 March 2016). "[15], Francis also calls for a reform of the United Nations to prevent it from being "delegitimized". Unlike disagreement and conflict, persistent and courageous dialogue does not make headlines, but quietly helps the world to live much better than we imagine. [182] PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 208. If we wish to maintain that society is more than a mere aggregate of individuals, the term “people” proves necessary. If rules are considered simply as means to be used whenever it proves advantageous, and to be ignored when it is not, uncontrollable forces are unleashed that cause grave harm to societies, to the poor and vulnerable, to fraternal relations, to the environment and to cultural treasures, with irretrievable losses for the global community. Ancient conflicts thought long buried are breaking out anew, while instances of a myopic, extremist, resentful and aggressive nationalism are on the rise. Kindness ought to be cultivated; it is no superficial bourgeois virtue. English translation in Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, vol 1., New York, London, Manila (1999), 131. Do not honour it in church with silk vestments while outside it is naked and numb with cold”. No. The ability to sit down and listen to others, typical of interpersonal encounters, is paradigmatic of the welcoming attitude shown by those who transcend narcissism and accept others, caring for them and welcoming them into their lives. In earlier Jewish traditions, the imperative to love and care for others appears to have been limited to relationships between members of the same nation. 201. In Fratelli Tutti, . Without it, subtle ways can be found to make others insignificant, irrelevant, of no value to society. 237. [235] CROATIAN BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE, Letter on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War (1 May 1995). Their share of the truth and their values are rejected and, as a result, the life of society is impoverished and subjected to the hubris of the powerful. Can there be an effective process of growth towards universal fraternity and social peace without a sound political life?[157]. [112], 132. At the same time, tons of food are thrown away. There is also a need for peacemakers, men and women prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate processes of healing and renewed encounter. [153] Address to the Members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, New York (25 September 2015): AAS 107 (2015), 1037, 1041. The lodge also praises the fact that Francis addresses "the disintegrating role of the digital world, whose operation favors closed circuits of people who think the same way and facilitate the spread of fake news that encourage prejudice and hatred". 11. 98. Nowadays, “in some political sectors and certain media, public and private violence and revenge are incited, not only against those responsible for committing crimes, but also against those suspected, whether proven or not, of breaking the law… There is at times a tendency to deliberately fabricate enemies: stereotyped figures who represent all the characteristics that society perceives or interprets as threatening. [260] For “reason, by itself, is capable of grasping the equality between men and of giving stability to their civic coexistence, but it cannot establish fraternity”. For “the international community is a juridical community founded on the sovereignty of each member state, without bonds of subordination that deny or limit its independence”. [155] This means reinforcing the “normative instruments for the peaceful resolution of controversies... so as to strengthen their scope and binding force”. Co-signing the document was the grand imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb. These considerations help us recognize the urgent need to combat all that threatens or violates fundamental human rights. It can only be done by overcoming evil with good (cf. But this is to create a needless dichotomy. Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en español. It is at once both simple and profound. Prisoners of a virtual reality, we lost the taste and flavour of the truly real”. [87] Message for the 2016 World Day of Peace (8 December 2015), 6: AAS 108 (2016), 57-58. The danger of thinking that we have to protect ourselves from one another, of viewing others as competitors or dangerous enemies, also affects relations between peoples in the same region. [84] Message for the “Economy of Francesco” Event (1 May 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 12 May 2019, 8. Too many female lives are at risk. 49. Porque san Francisco, que se sentía hermano del sol, del mar y del viento, se sabía todavía más unido a los que eran de su propia carne. 75. “Robbers” usually find secret allies in those who “pass by and look the other way”. 47. Our own days, however, seem to be showing signs of a certain regression. In today’s world, the sense of belonging to a single human family is fading, and the dream of working together for justice and peace seems an outdated utopia. English translation in Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, vol 1., New York, London, Manila (1999), 131. All this originates in a sense of esteem, an appreciation of the value of the other. All of these encircle our world like a vital force”. This process, by its intrinsic logic, blocks the kind of serene reflection that could lead us to a shared wisdom. 138. The benefits and limits of liberal approaches, 163. : AAS 105 (2013), 1105-1106. [249] This means that legitimate public authority can and must “inflict punishments according to the seriousness of the crimes”[250] and that judicial power be guaranteed a “necessary independence in the realm of law”. [192] General Audience (18 February 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 19 February 2015, p. 8. By his actions, the Good Samaritan showed that “the existence of each and every individual is deeply tied to that of others: life is not simply time that passes; life is a time for interactions”.[57]. [14] We have seen what happened with the elderly in certain places in our world as a result of the coronavirus. Francis felt himself a brother to the sun, the sea and the wind, yet he knew that he was even closer to those of his own flesh. [254] Epistola ad Marcellinum 133, 1.2: PL 33, 509. Saint John Paul II observed that the Church “does not intend to condemn every possible form of social conflict. He adds that the foundation of modern totalitarianism is the "denial of the transcendent dignity of the human person" and that violence "has no basis in religious convictions, but rather in their deformities". 78. [204] VINICIUS DE MORAES, Samba da Benção, from the recording Um encontro no Au bon Gourmet, Rio de Janeiro (2 August 1962). This is a far cry from the false universalism of those who constantly travel abroad because they cannot tolerate or love their own people. That every human being possesses an inalienable dignity is a truth that corresponds to human nature apart from all cultural change. [20], In Fratelli tutti, Francis states that universal brotherhood is possible, but requires "a decisive commitment to devising effective means to this end" (§ 180). It is a memory that ensures and encourages the building of a more fair and fraternal future”. 61. Our response to the arrival of migrating persons can be summarized by four words: welcome, protect, promote and integrate. GLOBALIZATION AND PROGRESS WITHOUT A SHARED ROADMAP. Will we bend down and help another to get up? [222] Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013), 59: AAS 105 (2013), 1044. [120] Ultimately, this will benefit the entire world, since “development aid for poor countries” implies “creating wealth for all”. [203] As Christians, we also believe that God grants us his grace to enable us to act as brothers and sisters. Fear and resentment can easily lead to viewing punishment in a vindictive and even cruel way, rather than as part of a process of healing and reintegration into society. There is always the factor of “gratuitousness”: the ability to do some things simply because they are good in themselves, without concern for personal gain or recompense. Others may continue to view politics or the economy as an arena for their own power plays. Forgiveness is precisely what enables us to pursue justice without falling into a spiral of revenge or the injustice of forgetting. Yet there is a risk that an inadequate understanding and presentation of these profound convictions can lead to fatalism, apathy and injustice, or even intolerance and violence. And so, men and women of every religious confession are uniting themselves today in prayer and penance to ask for the grace of healing from this pandemic. [212] Message for the 2020 World Day of Peace (8 December 2019), 3: L’Osservatore Romano, 13 December 2019, p. 8. [60] Let us renounce the pettiness and resentment of useless in-fighting and constant confrontation. These words echoed the ancient warning: “I will require a reckoning for human life. Otherwise, the consequences of a disaster in one country will end up affecting the entire planet. [280] Truly, “whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 Jn 4:8). Let us ask the victims themselves. 143. [28] Address to the World of Culture, Cagliari, Italy (22 September 2013): L’Osservatore Romano, 23-24 September 2013, p. 7. It has to do with human weakness, the proclivity to selfishness that is part of what the Christian tradition refers to as “concupiscence”: the human inclination to be concerned only with myself, my group, my own petty interests. The document was signed on 3 October 2020 . For “the whole is greater than the part, but it is also greater than the sum of its parts”. [282] Address to Civil Authorities, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (6 June 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 7 June 2015, p. 7. No single act of love for God will be lost, no generous effort is meaningless, no painful endurance is wasted. Rom 12:21) and by cultivating those virtues which foster reconciliation, solidarity and peace”. No one can possess the whole truth or satisfy his or her every desire, since that pretension would lead to nullifying others by denying their rights. Consequently, all of us are able to give without expecting anything in return, to do good to others without demanding that they treat us well in return. In these pages of reflection on universal fraternity, I felt inspired particularly by Saint Francis of Assisi, but also by others of our brothers and sisters who are not Catholics: Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi and many more. [48] How can this contribute to the fraternity that our common Father asks of us? [30][31] Pope Francis says this parable is an "ever new" call from Jesus to "rediscover our vocation as citizens of our respective nations and of the entire world, builders of a new social bond". So this encounter of mercy between a Samaritan and a Jew is highly provocative; it leaves no room for ideological manipulation and challenges us to expand our frontiers. Complex challenges arise when our neighbour happens to be an immigrant. 286. Lactantius, for example, held that “there ought to be no exception at all; that it is always unlawful to put a man to death”. 3, dist. 257. [77], Inadequate understandings of universal love. That is not the way to mature in the encounter with truth. While one part of humanity lives in opulence, another part sees its own dignity denied, scorned or trampled upon, and its fundamental rights discarded or violated”. True wisdom demands an encounter with reality. Yet beyond this, those who love, and who no longer view politics merely as a quest for power, “may be sure that none of our acts of love will be lost, nor any of our acts of sincere concern for others. [255] This has made all the more dangerous the growing practice in some countries of resorting to preventive custody, imprisonment without trial and especially the death penalty. 152. 160. 209. Poverty must always be understood and gauged in the context of the actual opportunities available in each concrete historical period. At the same time, those cultures should be encouraged to be open to new experiences through their encounter with other realities, for the risk of succumbing to cultural sclerosis is always present. [1] Admonitions, 6, 1. Once more we are being reminded that “each new generation must take up the struggles and attainments of past generations, while setting its sights even higher. [193] Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013), 274: AAS 105 (2013), 1130. 239. The Church is well aware that in the course of history conflicts of interest between different social groups inevitably arise, and that in the face of such conflicts Christians must often take a position, honestly and decisively”.[223]. Without even knowing the injured man, he saw him as deserving of his time and attention. «Fratelli tutti»,1 escribía san Francisco de Asís para dirigirse a todos los hermanos y las hermanas, y proponerles una forma de vida con sabor a Evangelio. It proposes fraternity and social friendship as the ways indicated to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the commitment of all: people . [141] BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate (29 June 2009), 35: AAS 101 (2009), 670. 27, q. Social aggression has found unparalleled room for expansion through computers and mobile devices. This school is an online school of political thought, with its headquarters in the San Calisto palace of Vatican City. 175. La Fundación Fratelli Tutti, está a punto de cumplir su primer año de vida en el seno de la Santa Sede (y más concretamente en la Fabbrica di San Pietro, organismo encargado de la construcción y cuidado artístico de la basílica).Un organismo de religión y culto que se inspira en el contenido de la última encíclica del Santo Padre dedicada a la fraternidad y a la amistad social y que . 183. “Social love”[172] makes it possible to advance towards a civilization of love, to which all of us can feel called. Even the Good Samaritan, for example, needed to have a nearby inn that could provide the help that he was personally unable to offer. We fail to keep our attention focused, to penetrate to the heart of matters, and to recognize what is essential to give meaning to our lives. With the Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, we do not ignore the positive advances made in the areas of science, technology, medicine, industry and welfare, above all in developed countries. To do so, however, they need young people who have no use for history, who spurn the spiritual and human riches inherited from past generations, and are ignorant of everything that came before them”.[10]. Political powers do not find it easy to assume this duty in the work of nation-building”,[162] much less in forging a common project for the human family, now and in the future. 20. Mt 5:44-46), even if it is quite legitimately demanded by society and its justice system. 2. Nonetheless, there are attempts nowadays to reduce persons to isolated individuals easily manipulated by powers pursuing spurious interests. [33] Cf. This charity, which is the spiritual heart of politics, is always a preferential love shown to those in greatest need; it undergirds everything we do on their behalf. [249] Address to Delegates of the International Association of Penal Law (23 October 2014): AAS 106 (2014), 840. “In the absence of objective truths or sound principles other than the satisfaction of our own desires and immediate needs… we should not think that political efforts or the force of law will be sufficient… When the culture itself is corrupt, and objective truth and universally valid principles are no longer upheld, then laws can only be seen as arbitrary impositions or obstacles to be avoided”.[201]. [17][21] Besides Francis of Assisi, he also states that he has been inspired by numerous non-Catholics, including Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, and Mahatma Gandhi. Yet this call to love could be misunderstood. What would be the reaction to that same story nowadays, in a world that constantly witnesses the emergence and growth of social groups clinging to an identity that separates them from others? Today's crises—from forced migration to climate change—make it all too clear that what affects one people affects all. 122. This explains why a Samaritan woman, when asked by Jesus for a drink, answered curtly: “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” (Jn 4:9). And at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Pope Francis prayed for the salvation of all people in his extraordinary "Urbi et Orbi" address in an empty St. Peter's Square. [218] Violent public demonstrations, on one side or the other, do not help in finding solutions. [94] For my part, I would observe that “the Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or inviolable, and has stressed the social purpose of all forms of private property”. 58. Fratelli Tutti only fosters this stereotype. We gorged ourselves on networking, and lost the taste of fraternity. [274] For many Christians, this journey of fraternity also has a Mother, whose name is Mary. [61] We likewise believe that Christ shed his blood for each of us and that no one is beyond the scope of his universal love. 252. [186] Politicians are doers, builders with ambitious goals, possessed of a broad, realistic and pragmatic gaze that looks beyond their own borders. Thanks to regional exchanges, by which poorer countries become open to the wider world, universality does not necessarily water down their distinct features. The best way to dominate and gain control over people is to spread despair and discouragement, even under the guise of defending certain values. Indeed, “globalized society often has an elegant way of shifting its gaze. [52] Greeting to Young People at the Padre Félix Varela Cultural Centre, Havana, Cuba (20 September 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 21-22 September 2015, p. 6. [213] SOUTHERN AFRICAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE, Pastoral Letter on Christian Hope in the Current Crisis (May 1986). Their illnesses will be known only in order to cure them, their financial needs only to provide for them, their lack of a home only to give them lodging, their desires for recreation and entertainment only to satisfy them”. [219], 233. [214] CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF KOREA, Appeal of the Catholic Church in Korea for Peace on the Korean Peninsula (15 August 2017). 107. Respect for others disintegrates, and even as we dismiss, ignore or keep others distant, we can shamelessly peer into every detail of their lives. [29] Humana Communitas. For those who are not recent arrivals and already participate in the fabric of society, it is important to apply the concept of “citizenship”, which “is based on the equality of rights and duties, under which all enjoy justice. 15. To tend those in need takes strength and tenderness, effort and generosity in the midst of a functionalistic and privatized mindset that inexorably leads to a ‘throwaway culture’… It involves taking responsibility for the present with its situations of utter marginalization and anguish, and being capable of bestowing dignity upon it”. [34] Once this health crisis passes, our worst response would be to plunge even more deeply into feverish consumerism and new forms of egotistic self-preservation. Good politics combines love with hope and with confidence in the reserves of goodness present in human hearts. The 287-paragraph document on "fraternity and social friendship" is a brisk walking-tour of Pope Francis's social teaching. [114], 133. Just as there can be no dialogue with “others” without a sense of our own identity, so there can be no openness between peoples except on the basis of love for one’s own land, one’s own people, one’s own cultural roots. [51][52][53], The Grand Orient of Italy wrote in its official magazine Erasmo to praise the encyclical, saying the "idea of universal brotherhood as a bond that unites all human beings, regardless of their faith, ideology, color, skin, social background, language, culture and nation" expressed in the Fratelli tutti are "close to the ideals that have been the very foundations of Freemasonry from the very beginning". [262], 274. “‘People’ is not a logical category, nor is it a mystical category, if by that we mean that everything the people does is good, or that the people is an ‘angelic’ reality. Family disputes are always resolved afterwards. Message for the 2018 World Day of Migrants and Refugees (14 January 2018): AAS 109 (2017), 918-923. He became one of the poor and sought to live in harmony with all. 226. He furthermore states that other cultures "are not 'enemies' from which we need to protect ourselves. Fratelli Tutti. Indeed, “without equal opportunities, different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and eventually explode. Approaching, speaking, listening, looking at, coming to know and understand one another, and to find common ground: all these things are summed up in the one word “dialogue”. Each particular group becomes part of the fabric of universal communion and there discovers its own beauty. A wide variety of practical proposals and diverse experiences can help achieve shared objectives and serve the common good. [268] She does not claim to compete with earthly powers, but to offer herself as “a family among families, this is the Church, open to bearing witness in today’s world, open to faith hope and love for the Lord and for those whom he loves with a preferential love. The mechanisms that form these images are the same that allowed the spread of racist ideas in their time”. God loves everyone". Or better, in the face of a reality that can in no way be denied, relativized or concealed, forgiveness is still possible. Our understanding of their meaning and scope can increase – and in that respect, consensus is a dynamic reality – but in themselves, they are held to be enduring by virtue of their inherent meaning. [277], 281. Political charity is also expressed in a spirit of openness to everyone. Those actions have their source in a union increasingly directed towards others, considering them of value, worthy, pleasing and beautiful apart from their physical or moral appearances. Those who truly forgive do not forget. Let us not forget that “peoples that abandon their tradition and, either from a craze to mimic others or to foment violence, or from unpardonable negligence or apathy, allow others to rob their very soul, end up losing not only their spiritual identity but also their moral consistency and, in the end, their intellectual, economic and political independence”. [38] For this reason, “there is also a need to reaffirm the right not to emigrate, that is, to remain in one’s homeland”.[39]. Employing a strategy of ridicule, suspicion and relentless criticism, in a variety of ways one denies the right of others to exist or to have an opinion. [156] Among these normative instruments, preference should be given to multilateral agreements between states, because, more than bilateral agreements, they guarantee the promotion of a truly universal common good and the protection of weaker states. At the same time, though, the local has to be eagerly embraced, for it possesses something that the global does not: it is capable of being a leaven, of bringing enrichment, of sparking mechanisms of subsidiarity. As a rule, the advance of this kind of globalism strengthens the identity of the more powerful, who can protect themselves, but it tends to diminish the identity of the weaker and poorer regions, making them more vulnerable and dependent. Such care does not interest those economic powers that demand quick profits. Fratelli tutti A radical blueprint for post-Covid world.Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. Unconcerned for the hardships and dangers involved, Francis went to meet the Sultan with the same attitude that he instilled in his disciples: if they found themselves “among the Saracens and other nonbelievers”, without renouncing their own identity they were not to “engage in arguments or disputes, but to be subject to every human creature for God’s sake”. With this powerful encyclical letter, addressed to all people of goodwill, the Holy Father again reminds us why he is considered a preeminent moral teacher — and in an extraordinarily critical and fraught moment in human history. These were people holding important social positions, yet lacking in real concern for the common good. Il problema della pena - 6. Reflecting on the election, she referred to the Good Samaritan parable central to encyclical, comparing the Belarusian people to the robbed and wounded traveller. Nor is equality achieved by an abstract proclamation that “all men and women are equal”. It gives a universal dimension to our call to love, one that transcends all prejudices, all historical and cultural barriers, all petty interests. The Samaritan who stopped along the way departed without expecting any recognition or gratitude. Dr Tarcisius Mukuka. On Sunday, 29 November 2020. 168. Hearing his call, we recognize with sorrow that the process of globalization still lacks the prophetic and spiritual contribution of unity among Christians. After celebrating Mass in front of said tomb,[7] Francis put the text of the encyclical "on the altar under the tomb of St. Francis and signed it". If a criminal has harmed me or a loved one, no one can forbid me from demanding justice and ensuring that this person – or anyone else – will not harm me, or others, again. Justice is properly sought solely out of love of justice itself, out of respect for the victims, as a means of preventing new crimes and protecting the common good, not as an alleged outlet for personal anger. [209] As the Bishops of the Congo have said with regard to one recurring conflict: “Peace agreements on paper will not be enough. It is therefore crucial to establish in our societies the concept of full citizenship and to reject the discriminatory use of the term minorities, which engenders feelings of isolation and inferiority. Some parts of our human family, it appears, can be readily sacrificed for the sake of others considered worthy of a carefree existence. Before the demands of morality we are all absolutely equal”.[202]. 42. We fail to realize that, by isolating the elderly and leaving them in the care of others without the closeness and concern of family members, we disfigure and impoverish the family itself. 83. There is a risk that a single scientific advance will be seen as the only possible lens for viewing a particular aspect of life, society and the world. This implies taking certain indispensable steps, especially in response to those who are fleeing grave humanitarian crises. Development must not aim at the amassing of wealth by a few, but must ensure “human rights – personal and social, economic and political, including the rights of nations and of peoples”. Then too, it is extremely difficult to carry out a long-term project unless it becomes a collective aspiration. Let me repeat: we need to have “the courage to give a voice to those who are discriminated against due to their disability, because sadly, in some countries even today, people find it hard to acknowledge them as persons of equal dignity”. The word ‘people’ has a deeper meaning that cannot be set forth in purely logical terms. [15] Francis speaks of the right to defense by means of military force as a "potential right". 118. That is why I have urged indigenous peoples to cherish their roots and their ancestral cultures. Once those fundamental values are acknowledged and adopted through dialogue and consensus, we realize that they rise above consensus; they transcend our concrete situations and remain non-negotiable. If one does not acknowledge transcendent truth, then the force of power takes over, and each person tends to make full use of the means at his disposal in order to impose his own interests or his own opinion, with no regard for the rights of others… The root of modern totalitarianism is to be found in the denial of the transcendent dignity of the human person who, as the visible image of the invisible God, is therefore by his very nature the subject of rights that no one may violate – no individual, group, class, nation or state. Reply . The parable clearly does not indulge in abstract moralizing, nor is its message merely social and ethical. 1. To be part of a people is to be part of a shared identity arising from social and cultural bonds. The poor are beyond the scope of their interest. 161. [21] Message for the 2015 World Day of Peace (8 December 2014), 3-4: AAS 107 (2015), 69-71. Fratelli Tutti and the Call to Participation - Fratelli Tutti is a profound message that calls each of us to a deeper understanding of social friendship, community, and our shared responsibility to promote the common good.Read more in this blog post from To Go Forth, a blog of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department of Justice, Peace and . "Fratelli tutti" e la sfida della fraternità. For the Pope, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that "not everything can be resolved by market freedom" and that human dignity must be put "back at the center". Moderate. [19] What does this tell us about the equality of rights grounded in innate human dignity? As I was writing this letter, the Covid-19 pandemic unexpectedly erupted, exposing our false securities. A land will be fruitful, and its people bear fruit and give birth to the future, only to the extent that it can foster a sense of belonging among its members, create bonds of integration between generations and different communities, and avoid all that makes us insensitive to others and leads to further alienation”. They need to be remembered, always and ever anew. 40. “Migrations, more than ever before, will play a pivotal role in the future of our world”. Saint Paul describes kindness as a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). It follows that “we believers need to find occasions to speak with one another and to act together for the common good and the promotion of the poor. Welcome Letter from Mike. Even as forms of fanaticism, closedmindedness and social and cultural fragmentation proliferate in present-day society, a good politician will take the first step and insist that different voices be heard. Grant that we Christians may live the Gospel, discovering Christ in each human being, recognizing him crucified in the sufferings of the abandoned and forgotten of our world, and risen in each brother or sister who makes a new start. [220], 234. [253] During the trial of the murderers of two priests, Saint Augustine asked the judge not to take the life of the assassins with this argument: “We do not object to your depriving these wicked men of the freedom to commit further crimes. My criticism of the technocratic paradigm involves more than simply thinking that if we control its excesses everything will be fine. 228. War is a failure of politics and of humanity, a shameful capitulation, a stinging defeat before the forces of evil. This is a non-negotiable truth attained by the use of reason and accepted in conscience. This demonstrates the need for a greater spirit of fraternity, but also a more efficient worldwide organization to help resolve the problems plaguing the abandoned who are suffering and dying in poor countries.