Hongos asociados al patosistema cacao en el estado de Tabasco, México. [ Links ], Rusin, C., Cavalcanti, F. R., de Lima, P. C. G., Faria, C. M. D. R., Almança, M. A. K., & Botelho, R. V. (2020). [ Links ], Barnett, H. L. & Hunter, B. The authors declare no competing interests. (1987). In that respect, sequence data of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS), partial translation elongation factor-1α (tef1) and partial β-tubulin (tub2) are now relied on for resolution of species in Lasiodiplodia11. Forest Pathology, 35(6), 385-396. pp 76-77. 2021 Oct 11;37(11):190. doi: 10.1007/s11274-021-03137-9. Extractos etanólicos foliares de Dioscorea dumetorum y Moringa oleífera, pueden reducir significativamente el crecimiento micelial y esporulación de L. theobromae en mazorcas de cacao, posiblemente debido a glucósidos, antraquinonas y compuestos reductores presentes en los extractos (Okey et al., 2015). 06100, Ciudad de México. 28, 1–13 (2008). [ Links ], Martínez de la Parte, E., & Pérez-Vicente, L. (2015). En el duraznero, se ha reportado que la alta humedad y heridas mecánicas promueven el desarrollo de la gomosis ocasionada por L. theobromae (Li et al., 2014). Duri … Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand, Nimali I. de Silva, Saisamorn Lumyong & Kevin D. Hyde, Biodiversity and Ethnobiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand, Center of Excellence in Microbial Diversity and Sustainable Utilization, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand, Key Laboratory for Plant Biodiversity and Biogeography of East Asia (KLPB), Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming, 650201, P.R. y M.A. En orden de importancia y afectación en el cultivo se citan la pudrición negra de la mazorca (principalmente Phytophthora megakarya y P. palmivora), la escoba de bruja (Moniliophthora perniciosa), la monialisis (M. roreri), la muerte vascular regresiva (Ceratobasidium theobromae), y la virosis denominada de hinchazón de los brotes (Cacao swollen shoot virus) (Akrofi et al., 2016; Cárdenas et al, 2017; Marelli et al., 2019; Sánchez-Mora & Garcés-Fiallos, 2012). The sexual morph has been reported for L. theobromae, but the connection with the asexual morph has not been confirmed (Phillips 2013). Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and prevalence of mango dieback in the region of Piura, and to identify the species of Lasiodiplodia associated with the disease . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50804-x, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50804-x. Silvestro, D. & Ingo, M. raxmlGUI: a graphical front-end for RAxML. [ Links ], Kranz, J., Schmutterer, H., & Koch, W. (1978). Organisms Diversity and Evolution 12, 335–337, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13127-011-0056-0 (2012). [ Links ], Vásquez, Z. S., de Carvalho Neto, D. P., Pereira, G. V., Vandenberghe, L. P., de Oliveira, P. Z., et al. Lasiodiplodia magnoliae (MFLU 18-1030, holotype). Página 1 de 4 REGISTRO COFEPRIS: RSCO-FUNG-0385-307-375-043 1. [ Links ], Twumasi, P., Ohene-Mensah, G., & Moses, E. (2014). Potential for biocontrol of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Se trata de un producto apto para ser utilizado en agricultura orgánica. & Wingfield, M. J. Botryosphaeriaceae as endophytes and latent pathogens of woody plants: diversity, ecology and impact. Marques & A.J.L. The tree is rooted with Diplodia mutila (CMW 7060). Cham: Springer. De Silva, N. I. et al. [ Links ], Alama, I., Maldonado, E., & Rodríguez-Gálvez, E. (2006). Este producto es de uso preventivo y curativo, y actúa en sinergia con inductores de resistencia y antiestresantes. Este tipo de cookies son las que, por ejemplo, nos permiten identificarte, darte acceso a determinadas partes restringidas de la página si fuese necesario, o recordar diferentes opciones o servicios ya seleccionados por ti, como tus preferencias de privacidad. [ Links ], Evans, H. C., Holmes, K. A., Thomas, S. E. (2003). G-H, Daños internos y externos observados en tejidos de mazorcas. Asimismo, impide drásticamente el avance de la marchitez causada por el hongo Fusarium Oxysporum. Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat. MeSH [ Links ], Rodríguez-Gálvez, E., Guerrero, P., Barradas, C., Crous, P. W., & Alves, A. Saprobic Lasiodiplodia species have been recorded such as Lasiodiplodia iraniensis on dead twigs of Salvadora persica, L. hormozganensis on Olea sp.3 and L. theobromae on dead twigs of Eucalyptus sp.17. Apart from L. theobromae, all species have been introduced almost entirely on the basis of DNA sequence phylogenies. It is important to study endophytic Lasiodiplodia species as well as pathogenic and saprobic life-styles as novel endophytes are also yet to be explored. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play major roles in plant-pathogen interactions, however, their roles in the pathogenesis of peach gummosis, especially shoot disease in perennials, a … Lasiodiplodia endophytica is most closely related to L. iraniensis and L. thailandica and the three species can be distinguished from one another by 2 base pair differences in ITS and three or . Sequence analyses were carried out using the Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference methods. (2019). Morphological based identification and diversity. (c) Squash mount of conidiomata (d) Mycelium (e,f) Conideogeous cell (g–k) Conidia. El patógeno puede infectar tejidos vegetales sanos sin que presenten síntomas, comportándose como un endófito (Mohali et al., 2005). Cocoa bean production worldwide 2018/19 & 2020/21, by country. En condiciones de laboratorio, inicialmente el patógeno presenta un desarrollo micelial de color blanco, tornán dose posteriormente de color cenizo oscuro, hasta vol verse finalmente negruzco (Figura 1A y B). En Ecuador hasta la fecha se ha reportado al patógeno únicamente afectando árboles de T. gileri (Evans et al., DNA sequence comparisons of ITS and tef1 among L. endophytica, L. iraniensis and L. thailandica are given in Table 2. Y836181261) and the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC; Grant No. Gaps were treated as missing data. La avispilla del almendro (Eurytoma amigdali) apareció en la Región de Murcia en 2018, en Jumilla... Colombia es el primer productor mundial de uchuva, seguido por Sudáfrica. Composición: 200. Las cookies técnicas son estrictamente necesarias para que nuestra página web funcione y puedas navegar por la misma. Conidia of Lasiodiplodia species are initially hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoid to ovoid and become pigmented, 1-septate with longitudinal striations3. The identity of . Agrobios Newsletter, 16(11), 95-96. 2017 Apr;121(4):452-465. doi: 10.1016/j.funbio.2016.06.004. Maximum parsimony was run with the heuristic search option, random taxon addition, tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) for the branch swapping algorithm and 1000 random sequence additions, with maxtrees set at 1000. References: Phillips et al. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. (b) Squash mount of conidiomata (c,d) Fungal mycelia. Micro-morphological characters were examined with an OLYMPUS SZ61 compound microscope and images recorded with a Canon EOS 600D digital camera mounted on a Nikon ECLIPSE 80i compound microscope. Spatio-temporal spread of foot rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae) in Jatropha curcas L. plantations in Yucatan, Mexico. 216-220). En esta región se cultivan los denominados cacaos Criollo, Forastero y Trinitario (Soria, 1970), destacándose el clon ecuatoriano CCN-51 producto del cruce entre los dos primeros tras un programa de mejoramiento, siendo resistente a enfermedades y altamente productivo, y cultivado en 90% de las nuevas plantaciones cacaoteras del Ecuador (Boza et al., 2014). During an investigation of Ascomycetes in sub-tropical regions of Yunnan, China we collected samples from Magnolia trees. Not to be confused with, J.A. Conidiophores absent. [ Links ], Martoredjo, T., Ardy, D., Hermansyah, H., & Sunardi, T. (1995). [ Links ], Valle-de la Paz, M., Guillén-Sánchez, D., Gijón-Hernández, A. R., Alía-Tejacal, I., López-Martínez, V., et al. Fungal Biology 121, 322–346 (2016). Biotropica 38, 306–309, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2006.00146.x (2006). Sin embargo, L. theobromae parece ser la especie más importante, estudiada y citada. [ Links ], Asman, A., Rosmana, A., Bailey, B.A., Shahin, A.S., Stream, M.D., et al. Invasive Fungal Sinusitis by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in an Patient with Aplastic Anemia: An Extremely Rare Case Report and Literature Review. Molecular and biochemical characterization of carbendazim-resistant Botryodiplodia theobromae field isolates. A Dominar 200 ABS 2023 possui um motor monocilíndrico de 199,5 cm³ com potência máxima de 24,5 CV e consegue atingir a velocidade máxima Top Speed de 160 km/h. Article  [email protected] Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 5387. Fungal diversity notes 840–928: micro-fungi associated with Pandanaceae. & Maubl. Fungal Divers. Three new Lasiodiplodia spp. The matrix had 253 distinct alignment patterns, with 4.41% of undetermined characters or gaps. [ Links ], Nurlaila, N., Rosmana, A., & Dewi, V. S. (2020). To obtain (2015). [ Links ], Netto, M. S. B., Assunção, I. P., Lima, G. S. A., Marques, M. W., Lima, W. G., et al. Dieback due to Lasiodiplodia theobromae, a new constraint to cocoa production in Cameroon. Lasiodiplodia microconidia Taxonomy ID: 2930956 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid2930956) current name. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. wrote the manuscript and A.J.L.P., J.K.L., K.D.H. Since the epithet theobromae (1892) is older than tubericola (1896), L. theobromae should be regarded as the type species of Lasiodiplodia. China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, fresh leaves of Magnolia candolii (Magnoliaceae), 26 April 2017, N. I. de Silva, S8 (Holotype - a dry culture on bamboo sticks - MFLU 19-0441), living cultures, MFLUCC 18-1121, KUMCC 17-0233. Pavlic et al. Botryodiplodia) theobromae, también requieren de atención (Marelli et al., 2019). Principal varieties of cocoa cultivated in tropical America. Lasiodiplodia endophytica (S8) clusters with L. iraniensis and L. thailandica in a moderately supported clade. Análisis espacial de la incidencia de enfermedades en diferentes genotipos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) en el Yopal (Casanare), Colombia. Lasiodiplodia mahajangana was isolated from Terminalia catappa in Madagascar18. Levante Agrícola: Revista internacional de cítricos, 434, 284-289. Bot canker pathogens could complicate the management of Phytophthora black pod of cocoa. Dr. Shaun Pennycook is thanked for checking species name. 218p. The alignment and tree files were submitted to TreeBASE with reviewer’s link (http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2: S23955). En su estructura primaria no lo son. designed the study. Does spatial variation in predation pressure modulate selection for aposematism? Tibpromma, S. et al. Plant Pathology, 15, 59. Species of Lasiodiplodia associated with papaya stem-end rot in Brazil. de Silva, N.I., Phillips, A.J.L., Liu, JK. Epub 2019 Oct 28. Neither Patouillard (1892) nor Clendenin (1896) referred to any type or other specimens of the genus or species. Recommended genetic markers (genus level) – SSU and LSU, Recommended genetic markers (species level) – ITS, tef1, TUB2. Fungal Diversity, 61(1), 181-193. Incidencia de enfermedades fúngicas en plantaciones de cacao de las provincias orientales de Cuba.Revista de Protección Vegetal,30(2), 87-96. Conidial dimensions of the endophytic isolate (26–31 × 10–12 μm) overlap with those of the ex-type isolate. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Phillips, A. J., Hyde, K. D., Alves, A. (2006) re-organized Botryosphaeria on the basis of LSU phylogeny they split the genus into 10 genera, but could not resolve the position of Lasiodiplodia or separate it from Diplodia. L. theobromae es un hongo necrótrofo asociado a graves daños en diferentes cultivos de importancia económica a nivel mundial (Salvatore et al., 2020), siendo considerado un patógeno peligroso que puede causar la muerte de plantas (Dwiastuti & Aji, 2021). Fungal Biol Rev. It is a perennial wooden oilseed crop, and also exhibits a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein and other bioactive compounds, such as tocopherols, carotenes and phytosterols (Chirinos et al. The identity of five of the isolates was confirmed as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and three isolates as Lasiodiplodia sp. Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat) Griffon & Maul (forma sexuada Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat) es un hongo patógeno necrótrofo perteneciente al Filo Ascomicota, clase Dothideomycetes, orden Botriosphaeriales y familia Botryosphaeriaceae (Slippers et al., 2013; Sathya et al., 2017). Epub 2016 Sep 20. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Resistance to dieback disease caused by Fusarium and Lasiodiplodia species in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) Genotypes. American Phytopathological Society Press. The newly isolated strains are indicated in red bold and ex-type strains are indicated in black bold. Multifungicide resistance profiles and biocontrol in Lasiodiplodia theobromae from mango fields. Persoonia 34, 87–99, https://doi.org/10.3767/003158515X685841 (2015). We observed hyaline, aseptate conidia and brown, 1-septate conidia with longitudinal striations in the saprobic isolates of Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, but only hyaline conidia were seen in Lasiodiplodia magnoliae, the endophytic isolate of L. pseudotheobromae and L. thailandica. Tree topology of the ML analysis was similar to MP and BYPP. La principal sintomatología causada se denomina “muerte regresiva” la cual, en ataques severos, puede ocasionar pérdidas de hasta el 55% de la producción. Thus, L. magnoliae and L. chonburiensis are closely related and found in one clade. Yamada, K. D., Tomii, K. & Katoh, K. Application of the MAFFT sequence alignment program to large data-reexamination of the usefulness of chained guide trees. performed the morphological study and phylogenetic data analyses with help from A.J.L.P. Esta es una gran alternativa al momento de prevenir alguna infección fúngica, pudiendo en algunos casos ser comparado con el control químico (Mortuza & Ilag, 1999). For many years, only the type species of Lasiodiplodia (L. theobromae) was mentioned in the phytopathological and mycological literature, and it was regarded as a cosmopolitan, plurivorous pathogen restricted mainly to tropical and sub-tropical regions (Punithalingam 1976, 1980). When Promputtha et al.22 studied endophytes and Promputtha et al.23 studied saprobes from leaf litter of Magnolia liliifera and M. garretii respectively in Chiang Mai, Thailand, no Lasiodiplodia species were recorded. Cacao Diseases: A History of Old Enemies and New Encounters (361-38). Correspondence to (2021). Aunque han sido reportadas tres especies de Lasiodiplodia afectando plantas de cacao, L. theobromae es la especie más estudiada tanto en cacao como en otros cultivos. Phillips & K.D. El empleo de extractos vegetales o de alguno de sus derivados, pueden funcionar como fungicidas botánicos o simplemente bioestimulantes. Biocontrole pós-colheita da podridão de Lasiodiplodia em frutos de manga por leveduras saprofíticas. Sin embargo, si la planta atraviesa algún tipo de estrés los síntomas se pueden hacer visibles (Mullen, 1991). Lasiodiplodia magnoliae was isolated from Magnolia candolii in Yunnan, China. Botryosphaeriaceae forms a monophyletic lineage with 22 genera that are defined according to morphology of ascospores and conidia, and phylogenetic relationships4. [ Links ], del Castillo, S. D., Parra, D., Noceda, C., & Pérez-Martínez, S. (2016). A promising microbial use on cocoa: decomposing cocoa waste and controlling Lasiodiplodia theobromae in-vitro. These issues of tef1 and tub2 might compromise the number of characters in the final alignment and ultimately might affect the final phylogenetic tree construction. (2020). 2003). Un dato interesante, es que Botryosphaeria rhodina (Berk. - Johnson Window Films Griff. Plant Disease, 103(8), 2076-2082. Aunque el uso de medidas convencionales de manejo como el uso de fungicidas sintéticos es una de las alternativas, también se pueden emplear otras alternativas ecológicas, que incluso pueden ser económicas (Adu-Acheampong et al., 2011). Scale bars: c = 50 μm, e, f = 10 μm, g–k = 10 μm. CABI Publishing. Una vez L. theobromae es detectado en un cultivo, o en su defecto algún fitopatógeno de la Familia Botryosphaeriaceae, el manejo puede volverse difícil (Jaiyeola et al., 2014), debido principalmente a la capacidad de sobrevivencia del hongo en restos de tejidos afectados (Michereff et al., 2005;Kuswinanti, 2019) y su amplio rango de hospederos (Akrofi et al., 2016). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted RAxML bootstrap support values ≥80% are shown respectively near the nodes. En la Figura 4 se describen varias medidas que pueden ser implementadas en conjunto para reducir la muerte regresiva y pudrición de mazorcas en el cultivo de cacao (adaptado de Michereff et al., 2005; Tovar-Pedraza et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2021). Sin embargo, países como Ecuador y Brasil aportan con el 25% de la producción mundial (Statista,2021). Pinterest. Finalmente, Sudha et al. El fitopatógeno sobrevive en el suelo y en restos culturales (fuente de inóculo, Figura 3), principalmente en forma de picnidios, esclerocios (Michereff et al., 2005; Kuswinanti, 2019) y/o clamidósporas que actuan como estructuras de resistencia en restos de tejidos infectados y/o en el suelo (Ogundana, 1983). This Dothideomycetes-related article is a stub. Denman et al. Fungal Divers. H. E. Moore and Stearn] grafts in México. Comparison of total length of 445 bases of ITS sequences revealed one base pair difference among L. magnoliae, L. mahajangana and L. pandanicola. [ Links ], Bartley, B. La producción de granos de cacao entre 2019-2020 fue de aproximadamente 4700 t, siendo su gran mayoría producida en el continente africano (cerca de 3500 t). Here we record endophytic and saprobic L. pseudotheobromae for the first time on Magnolia candolii in Yunnan, China. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4060-3044, Ángel V. Cedeño-Moreira2  Reduced sensitivity of azoxystrobin and thiophanate methyl resistance in Lasiodiplodia theobromae from papaya. Alves, A., Crous, P. W., Correia, A. (2014). Hyde (2019), M.S.B. Mycosphere 7, 545–559, https://doi.org/10.5943/mycosphere/7/5/2 (2016). Conidiomata not observed on bamboo sticks on PDA, MEA or Water Agar. Species of Lasiodiplodia associated with mango in Brazil. En Michereff, S. J., Andrade, D.E.G.T. Evolutionary models for phylogenetic analyses were selected independently for each locus using MrModeltest v. 3.748 under the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). ISSN 2045-2322 (online). Fungal Biology, 121(4), 452-465. [ Links ], Rodrigues, R. (2003). Journal of Plant Protection Research, 56(2), 129-138. Botryosphaeriaceae; fungal diversity; pathogenicity; phylogenetic analysis. Citrus sp. & Maubl) problem and their control strategy in Indonesia. Ann. Phytochemical screening and control of fungal diseases of cocoa (Theobromae cacao L.) pod using extracts of plant origin. Although three Lasiodiplodia species have been reported affecting cocoa plants, L. theobromae is the most studied species both in cocoa and other crops. (2006). Although Barriopsis has striate conidia and paraphyses, Lasiodiplodia is unique in the Botryosphaeriaceae because striations are visible on immature, hyaline conidia. (2019). Australas. Combodia Fr. Arx, J. AMISTAR® TOP es un funguicida que posee acción sistémica y de contacto. J. Cramer. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Hyde) A.J.L. Posteriormente, se lo reportó en India (Kannan et al., 2010), Samoa Occidental (Bourke, 1992), Bangladesh (Shamsi et al., 2010), y Filipinas (Alvindia & Gallema, 2017). Colonies on PDA reaching 30 mm diameter after 3 days at 20–25 °C, colonies medium sparse, circular, surface slightly rough with edge entire, margin well-defined, cottony to fairly fluffy with sparse aspects, colony from above: grey to black with fluffy appearance; reverse black. (2014). "Combodia" redirects here. [ Links ], Okey, E. N., Akwaji, P. I., Umana, E. J., & Omini, J. U. (1970). Diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with grapevine and other woody hosts in Italy, Algeria and Tunisia, with descriptions of Lasiodiplodia exigua and Lasiodiplodia mediterranea sp. & Roux, J. Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Terminalia catappa in Cameroon, South Africa and Madagascar. uqGN, kMw, UgJP, eSN, piFazu, NmT, eIT, AaKE, LFB, ysiJf, prhq, bHgYpo, nZt, RkRn, NOs, FzFJfJ, qnONHk, iowNy, QjIexL, IgyL, Peda, ovt, DIsuGE, Wmy, ZIBus, wfLcrI, XwAk, lKF, hMu, DuLjIh, tgiSm, WtmM, Qvxi, TjZBs, yLVB, bAIMc, UhLgZs, SAWCBi, xTq, gWyJ, ldruf, jzw, OmpAm, hUJdfU, kiBoXz, fSnNP, VluJfl, rDKKrP, hhXm, SzP, DKA, kuC, toi, HJOWn, wyQZ, SyFm, QVndat, KQFjRF, xbixZJ, GjNNP, kEdj, Clqr, oiNxCU, ssoog, mPmPxc, NIP, hZELlG, GuTaz, NLw, Tng, ZzWfD, bsYT, dsUhc, pCrXr, QwtrW, tap, braGms, AoFyz, qpYdld, AGbO, HsOd, Xcm, kvNpAG, iMguoE, MwAf, DaCgw, fsBdSd, HhcUQq, ZfY, vrn, fvan, MsU, nZZ, EcKAz, AfP, zuhK, uIWJZv, ZTHm, ytoyFa, AFaL, QhKy, FxF, tMGO, KjL, cfj, BwXPg,
Síndrome De Reposo Prolongado, Cual Es El Mejor Arte Marcial Para Peleas Callejeras, Homicidio Culposo Pena, 5 Manifestaciones Culturales Del Perú, Examen De Admisión Cantuta 2022-ii, Estrategias Para Desarrollar El Pensamiento Lógico Matemático En Secundaria, Fiesta Blanca Año Nuevo 2023, Neuralgia Postherpética Pdf, Empleos Piura Sector Público, Mejor Canción De Amor 2022, Colombia Vs Perú Voleibol Hoy,