A love that is generous and outgoing, that acts and takes risks, may at times make mistakes. Traduzioni in contesto per "Viviti" in italiano-portoghese da Reverso Context: Viviti la natura con fantasia e creatività. Sing, but keep going… If you make progress, you will continue your journey, but be sure that your progress is in virtue, true faith and right living. 22. There are many more differences, which it would be difficult to examine here. And when you arrive where we have not yet reached, have the patience to wait for us”.[164]. In discerning your vocation, do not dismiss the possibility of devoting yourself to God in the priesthood, the religious life or in other forms of consecration. Mt 2:13-14). He is the one who quietly opens hearts to receive that message. Innocentii III Romani pontificis opera omnia tomis quatuor distributa. 70. 135. 144. It will be a perfect fit for your entire life. For young adults, this experience is highly fluid because they move from job to job and even from career to career. Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyên Van Thuân, when imprisoned in a concentration camp, refused to do nothing but await the day when he would be set free. Knowing that we don’t do things just for the sake of doing them, but rather we endow them with meaning, as a response to a call that resounds in the depth of our being to offer something to others: that is what makes these occupations bring a sense of deep fulfilment. Do you need love? But they will be better integrated into communities that are open, living their faith, eager to radiate Christ, joyful, free, fraternal and committed. A Jewish servant girl of the foreign commander Naaman intervened with faith and helped him to be cured of his illness (cf. Christus vivit- Capìtulo 1-por 14253Daniela BalcazarJuliana Cajigas María Paula AndradeLaura BastidasIAlejandra Bolaños6Valeria Anacona ven, sígueme. Nor can we overlook the importance of the arts, like theatre, painting, and others. Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (24 May 2015), 145: AAS 107 (2015), 906. Give yourselves over to the best of life! Prayer is both a challenge and an adventure. The Lord comes there to sow and to be sown”.[138]. For example, a Church that is overly fearful and tied to its structures can be invariably critical of efforts to defend the rights of women, and constantly point out the risks and the potential errors of those demands. [36] Cf. Don’t let them rob you of hope and joy, or drug you into becoming a slave to their interests. Ask the Holy Spirit each day to help you experience anew the great message. But that would be of no use to us: it would leave us unchanged, it would not set us free. While drawn towards the future and its promise, young people also have a powerful desire to experience the present moment, to make the most of the opportunities life offers. I dwelt more fully on this theme in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. Evil does not have the last word. This discernment is the basis of all else. When we discover that God is calling us to something, that this or that is what we were made for – whether it be nursing, carpentry, communication, engineering, teaching, art or any other kind of work – then we will be able to summon up our best capacities for sacrifice, generosity and dedication. Y es que, según este enfoque, ya por el debido respeto a la investidura, ya por temor académico, Francisco habría preferido, en estos ya casi 10 años de pontificado, intentar con leves acercamientos y escarceos tibios, revolucionar a la Iglesia Católica en temas como homosexuales, divorciados vueltos a casar, sacerdocio femenino, etc . So I ask each one of you: do you see yourselves as the bearers of a promise? It is not only for those who seem closer to us, more receptive, more welcoming. Nor should she stop now, for young people have a right to it. Don’t let yourselves be robbed of a great love. Jesús es « joven entre los jóvenes para ser ejemplo de los jóvenes y consagrarlos al Señor ». Surveys of young people repeatedly confirm that these are the two major issues worrying them and, at the same time, exciting them. Young men and women speak of work as fulfilling a function and providing meaning. This is even more serious if they think of the lay vocation simply as a form of service inside the Church: serving as lectors, acolytes, catechists, and so forth. Don’t let this happen to you, because the maelstrom of this world can drive you to take a route without real meaning, without direction, without clear goals, and thus thwart many of your efforts. Ad Adolescentes, I, 2: PG 31, 565. The document can be found at: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20181027_doc-final-instrumentum-xvassemblea-giovani_en.html. Because the worst fall, and pay attention to this, the worst fall, the one that can ruin our lives, is when we stay down and do not allow ourselves to be helped up”.[67]. [120], 227. “Equally significant is the emphasis that young people place on sports; the Church should not underestimate the potential of sports for education and formation, but instead maintain a strong presence there. It is the lie that would have you believe that only what is new is good and beautiful. ¿Qué es Video en contexto? The love of the Lord has to do more with raising up than knocking down, with reconciling than forbidding, with offering new changes than condemning, with the future than the past”.[64]. [161] The desire to know our personal vocation thus takes on a supreme intensity, a different quality and higher level, one that better respects the dignity of our person and our life. You will find it in a way that will make you genuinely happy. In the end, good discernment is a path of freedom that brings to full fruit what is unique in each person, something so personal that only God knows it. 133. Any educational project or path of growth for young people must certainly include formation in Christian doctrine and morality. When young and old alike are open to the Holy Spirit, they make a wonderful combination. Youth is a blessed time for the young and a grace for the Church and for the world. He is the Christ, risen from the dead, filled with supernatural life and energy, and robed in boundless light. 298. She will be able to attract young people, for her unity is not monolithic, but rather a network of varied gifts that the Spirit ceaselessly pours out upon her, renewing her and lifting her up from her poverty. That is how the Lord goes out to meet everyone. After that unexpected and moving encounter, they left everything and followed him. #cristonautas #fundacionpane #christusvivit #pastoraljuvenil #pjlatinoamerica #jovenesDiana Terán de la Pastoral Juvenil del Voluntariado Nacional en Vinces. Some Catholic schools seem to be structured only for the sake of self-preservation. That is why it is always better to live the faith together and to show our love by living in community and sharing with other young people our affection, our time, our faith and our troubles. Let us recall at least some of them who, each in his or her own way, and at different periods of history, lived lives of holiness. 204. After this brief look at the word of God, we cannot just say that young people are the future of our world. Mt 13:52). Tome 4 / quorum priores tres regestorum Baluzianam recensionem complectuntur ; accedentibus anecdotarum epistolarum libris quos [.] That is why it is a good thing to let older people tell their long stories, which sometimes seem legendary or fanciful – they are the dreams of old people – yet are often full of rich experiences, of eloquent symbols, of hidden messages. From what the Gospel tells us, we can say that Jesus, in the years of his youth, was “training”, being prepared to carry out the Father’s plan. [83] Address at the Opening of the XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama (24 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 26 January 2019, 12. [50] Address at the Conclusion of the Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church (24 February 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 25-26 February 2019, 10. 210. This kind of listening seeks to discern the salutary promptings of the good Spirit who proposes to us the Lord’s truth, but also the traps laid by the evil spirit – his empty works and promises. It is anxiety. Christus vivit (Christ is alive) is a post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis, written in response to the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, on young people, faith and vocational discernment, held from 3 to 28 October 2018.. Drawn to the Father, he grew up concerned for his affairs: “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Lk 2:49). So in discerning your vocation, it is important to determine if you see in yourself the abilities needed to perform that specific service to society. His memory is a heart filled with tender compassion, one that finds joy in ‘deleting’ from us every trace of evil”. Young people can help keep her young. It is not healthy to confuse communication with mere virtual contact. He embraced the prodigal son, he embraced Peter after his denials, and he always, always, always embraces us after every fall, helping us to rise and get back on our feet. Some young people might hate this stage of life, because they want to continue being children or indefinitely prolong their adolescence and put off having to make decisions. The Church’s concern is focused especially on those fleeing from war, violence, political or religious persecution, from natural disasters including those caused by climate change, and from extreme poverty. Marcel was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Austria, where he strengthened his fellow prisoners in faith amid harsh labours. [27] There is also a need to distinguish young people “with access to the growing opportunities offered by globalization from those who live on the fringes of society or in rural areas, and find themselves excluded or discarded”.[28]. No one should be excluded or exclude themselves”.[111]. In this process of formation, we let ourselves be transformed by Christ, even as we develop “the habit of doing good, which also is a part of our examination of conscience. 167. He even compares himself to a lover who goes so far as to write his beloved on the palm of his hands, to keep her face always before him: “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands!” (Is 49:6). Indeed, the Greek word that Luke uses to describe the group – synodía – clearly evokes a larger “community on a journey” of which the Holy Family is a part. How could anyone fail to support that son in this new resolution? It is not taboo. He decided: “I will seize the occasions that present themselves every day; I will accomplish ordinary actions in an extraordinary way”. Lk 1:47), whose eyes, reflecting the light of the Holy Spirit, looked at life with faith and treasured all things in her youthful heart (cf. [154], 281. When the Lord awakens a vocation, he thinks not only of what you already are, but of what you will one day be, in his company and in that of others. 147 Vivir el presente. Whenever you are enthused about life in common, you are capable of great sacrifices for others and for the community. "Christus Vivit": 2019 Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal del Papa Francisco a los Jóvenes y a Todo el Pueblo de Dios El Papa Francisco comienza su exhortación apostólica post-sinodal a los jóvenes y a todo el Pueblo de Dios con palabras de esperanza: The document is dated 25 March 2019, the day on which . In today’s rapidly changing world, many of those lives are exposed to suffering and manipulation. “It is to learn to feel connected to others by more than merely utilitarian and practical bonds, to be united in such a way as to feel that our life is a bit more human. O Batismo, a sua preparação e o compromisso de dar continuidade às recomendações batismais, já nos põem em contacto também com quantos não vivem comprometidamente a sua fé cristã. Andrew died uttering the name of Jesus. There is also a special need to accompany young men and women showing leadership potential, so that they can receive training and the necessary qualifications. I have sometimes seen young and beautiful trees, their branches reaching to the sky, pushing ever higher, and they seemed a song of hope. 219. “Friendship and discussion, often within more or less structured groups, offer the opportunity to strengthen social and relational skills in a context in which one is neither analysed nor judged. 173. [44] Migrants “remind us of a basic aspect of our faith, that we are ‘strangers and exiles on the earth’ (Heb 11:13)”. 21. 190. 44. “We are always struck by the strength of the young Mary’s ‘yes’, the strength in those words, ‘be it done’, that she spoke to the angel. Don’t be parked cars, but dream freely and make good decisions. He had given up his youth. It is a concrete and faith-based commitment to the building of a new society. The Synod also recognized the need to train consecrated persons and laypeople, male and female, to accompany young people. The world of sport needs to be helped to overcome some of its problematic aspects, such as the idolization of champions, subservience to commercial interests and the ideology of success at any cost”. v. 20). [112] Das Wesen des Christentums. opuscula varia [ab aliis] [.] In general, they are seeking opportunities for themselves and their families. This missionary vocation thus has to do with service. Without making too many human calculations, and without worrying about things that challenge your security, put out into the deep. The ideal of beauty is youth, but we need to realize that this has very little to do with young people. Their example shows what the young are capable of, when they open themselves up to encounter Christ”.[20]. 287. [71] SAINT PAUL VI, Address for the Beatification of Nunzio Sulprizio (1 December 1963): AAS 56 (1964), 28. Then we have to decide whether it is new wine brought by God or an illusion created by the spirit of this world or the spirit of the devil”. 294. He will be your firm support, but you will also realize that he fully respects your freedom. Thus Mary illumines anew our youth. Don’t go through life anaesthetized or approach the world like tourists. We need only find the right ways and means to help them embark on this precious experience. [92] Address at the Vigil of the XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (27 July 2013): AAS 105 (2013), 663. 230. Naturally, I cannot list them all here. ¿Que es la exhortacion apostolica postsinodal christus vivit? Young people are naturally attracted by an infinite horizon opening up before them. At every moment in life, we can renew our youthfulness. On the other hand, in the Gospel of Matthew we find a young man (cf. They do not want to see a Church that is silent and afraid to speak, but neither one that is always battling obsessively over two or three issues. Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Is 49:15). [144], 262. This is not good, because “work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfilment. Assim começa a Exortação Apostólica pós-sinodal "Christus vivit" ( Texto integral) de Francisco, assinada segunda-feira, 25 de março, na Santa Casa de Loreto, e dirigida « aos jovens e a todo o povo de Deus ». Young people will be all the more helpful if they feel fully a part of the “holy and patient, faithful People of God, borne up and enlivened by the Holy Spirit”, for “it will be precisely this holy People of God to liberate us from the plague of clericalism, which is the fertile ground for all these disgraces”.[60]. 71. With Jesus too, we can always have a conversation. Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth” (Jer 1:6). Jer 1:7), and added: “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you” (Jer 1:8). We will look at these issues more closely in the final chapters, when dealing with individual vocations and their discernment. Lk 24:13-35). They should respect the freedom that comes with a young person’s process of discernment and equip them with tools to do so well. Then, with affection and power, he proclaims the word to them, leading them to interpret the events they had experienced in the light of the Scriptures. [103] Cf. Saint Paul invites us to strip ourselves of the “old self” and to put on a “young” self (Col 3:9-10). For example, it is true that the digital world can expose you to the risk of self-absorption, isolation and empty pleasure. Jesus is walking in our midst, as he did in Galilee. Yet his thoughts of independence turned into dissolution and excess (cf. Rev 2:4)”. [49], 96. A young person should always have a critical spirit. 78. [33] Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting in Preparation for the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome (24 March 2018), I, 1. It is enough to have an open mind towards all those who have the desire and willingness to be encountered by God’s revealed truth. Group experience is also a great resource for sharing the faith and for mutual help in bearing witness. 159. Se trata de una reflexión que busca estimular a todos y ofrece planteamientos generales para el discernimiento eclesial en esta materia. Our world is filled with beauty! Still, it must not be thought that Jesus was a withdrawn adolescent or a self-absorbed youth. It is a gift from God, a gift the Lord gives us. For two thousand years she has advanced on her pilgrim way, sharing “the joys and the hopes, the grief and anguish”[57] of all humanity. To your heart too, he brought that fire, in the hope of finding room for it to grow and flourish. Although work may not help achieve their dreams, it is important for young adults to nurture a vision, learn how to work in a truly personal and life-giving way, and to continue to discern God’s call”. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. [92] Above all, in one way or another, fight for the common good, serve the poor, be protagonists of the revolution of charity and service, capable of resisting the pathologies of consumerism and superficial individualism. [63] He does not keep track of your failings and he always helps you learn something even from your mistakes. This request does not always stem from uncritical or impulsive contempt. Young people, beloved of the Lord, how valuable must you be if you were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ! It is meant to remind you of certain convictions born of our faith, and at the same time to encourage you to grow in holiness and in commitment to your personal vocation. He showed profound compassion for the weakest, especially the poor, the sick, sinners and the excluded. It is likewise important that it have two main goals. For the communities and societies to which they come, migrants bring an opportunity for enrichment and the integral human development of all. The relationship between young people and adults thus risks remaining on the affective level, leaving its educational and cultural aspects untouched”. 178. Jos 1:9). His outstretched arms on the cross are the most telling sign that he is a friend who is willing to stop at nothing: “Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” (Jn 13:1). Others work to develop their talents and knowledge, so as to feel more sure of themselves. This is an important issue, and I want to spend a brief chapter discussing it. Thanks to the advice of an adult, he opened his heart to hear God’s call: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:9-10). Don’t think that this mission is soft and easy. This involves growing in a relationship with the Father, in awareness of being part of a family and a people, and in openness to being filled with the Holy Spirit and led to carry out the mission God gives them, their personal vocation. In her presence, a young Church was born, as the apostles went forth to give birth to a new world (cf. He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing” (Zeph 3:17). As the Korean bishops put it: “we hope that we can be grains of wheat and instruments for the salvation of humanity, following upon the example of the martyrs. 236. Álvaro Luis López Acosta, Miembro del equipo de formación de la comisión Arquidiocesana de Pastoral Juvenil, Arquidiócesis de Panamá - Panamá; nos comparte sus comentarios del Capítulo 7, Número 238, Exhortación Apostólica Christus Vivit del Papa Francisco. It makes no difference whether you have already heard it or not. An approach to reality that privileges images over listening and reading has influenced the way people learn and the development of their critical sense”. In many countries, the internet and social networks already represent a firmly established forum for reaching and involving young people, not least in pastoral initiatives and activities”. Gradually Jesus makes us appreciate his grandeur and draw nearer to him. [73] Homily at Mass with Young People in Sydney (2 December 1970): AAS 63 (1971), 64. Joseph, for example, was one of the youngest of his family (cf. Many young people grow weary of our programmes of doctrinal and spiritual formation, and at times demand a chance to be active participants in activities that benefit others. 1. 253. U n a e x h o r t a c i ó n a p o s t ó l i c a . I would encourage all young people to read especially the fourth and fifth chapters of that Exhortation. In the end, Sebastian was flogged to death. If it is necessary to give this more thought, I would beg each one of you to give it the highest consideration, because to get it right is tantamount to success; to err is quite simply to fail”.[141]. 101. En lugar de disponernos a escucharlos a fondo, «a veces predomina USTEDES SON EL AHORA DE DIOS la tendencia a dar respuestas preconfeccionadas y recetas preparadas, sin dejar que las preguntas de los jóvenes se planteen con su novedad y sin aceptar su . A wise young person is open to the future, yet still capable of learning something from the experience of others. Papa Francisco. Is 42:3). [139] It follows that every form of pastoral activity, formation and spirituality should be seen in the light of our Christian vocation. Ru 1:1-18), yet she also showed boldness in getting ahead in life (cf. Lk 24:13-35) as a model of what happens in youth ministry. 221. Nonetheless, young people are also urged “to accept the authority of those who are older” (1 Pet 5:5). [156], 283. A home, as we all know, demands that everyone work together. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything”. Skip to content. You can become what God your Creator knows you are, if only you realize that you are called to something greater. Saint Paul said that his life was one of complete trust in that self-sacrificing love: “I now live by faith in the Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20). But the right side of the tapestry displays a magnificent story, and this is the side that God sees”. [152] Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 167. 218. Recalling this truth, the Second Vatican Council noted that, “enriched by a long and living history, and advancing towards human perfection in time and the ultimate destinies of history and of life, the Church is the real youth of the world”. The internet is also a channel for spreading pornography and the exploitation of persons for sexual purposes or through gambling”. In fact, “Jesus did not grow up in a narrow and stifling relationship with Mary and Joseph, but readily interacted with the wider family, the relatives of his parents and their friends”. 46. At the same time, I do not want to end this chapter without addressing some words to each of you. Saint Basil the Great encouraged the young to esteem the classical Greek authors, but to accept only whatever good they could teach. In every case, the long years they lived and all they have experienced in life should make us look to them with respect: “You shall rise up before the hoary head” (Lev 19:32). [122] Some Fathers of the Church used the example of the training of athletes to encourage the young to develop their strength and to overcome idleness and boredom. [95] CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF KOREA, Pastoral Letter on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Martyrdom during the Byeong-in Persecution (30 March 2016). I don’t know. Marriage requires preparation, and this calls for growing in self-knowledge, developing the greater virtues, particularly love, patience, openness to dialogue and helping others. Latest: Thứ Tư trước lễ Hiển Linh ; TGP Sài Gòn: Thánh lễ truyền chức Giám mục Giuse Bùi Công Trác ngày 3-1-2023 ; He never breaks his covenant. At the same time, since I do not want to neglect that reality, I will briefly summarize some contributions received before the Synod and others that I heard in the course of our meetings. 116. 14:51-52); he lacked the strength to stake everything on following the Lord. [60] Address at the Conclusion of the Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church (24 February 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 25-26 February 2019, 11. 272. [153], 280. I want to remind you of it. [114] Address at the Visit to the Good Samaritan Home, Panama, (27 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 28-29 January 2019, 10. At times, the hurt felt by some young people is heart-rending, a pain too deep for words. [147] EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE OF COLOMBIA, Mensaje Cristiano sobre el matrimonio (14 May 1981). [65] And if you sin and stray far from him, he will come to lift you up by the power of his cross. Jesus is eternally alive. Bien pendientes de las Redes Sociales!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gjuvenil.. 18. Who is wise? Whatever you do, do not become the sorry sight of an abandoned vehicle! In a word, they feel uprooted. 257. 99. He learned his father’s trade and then replaced him as a carpenter. The Church and her pastors are not exempt from this phenomenon”.[42]. In other parts of the world, even more than generational conflict between young people and adults, there is mutual estrangement. It tries to grasp exactly where grace or temptation is present, for sometimes the things that flit across our minds are mere temptations that can distract us from our true path. Long after the springtime of their courtship has passed, there is beauty in the fidelity of those couples who still love one another in the autumn of life, those elderly people who still hold hands as they walk. It is to create bonds by simple, everyday acts that all of us can perform. Young people frequently fail to find in our usual programmes a response to their concerns, their needs, their problems and issues. Sometime ago, a friend asked me what I see in a young person. 43. Alive, he can be present in your life at every moment, to fill it with light and to take away all sorrow and solitude. We do well to remember the words of an Old Testament sage: “My child, treat yourself well, according to your means, and present your offerings to the Lord; do not deprive yourself of a day’s enjoyment, do not let your share of desired good pass by” (Sir 14:11.14). Please, do not leave it to others to be protagonists of change. Acts 1:14). [84] Cf. 53. La palabra de Dios nos pide: eliminen la levadura vieja para ser masa joven." CAPITULO 2 "Jesus no los ilumina a ustedes, jovenes, desde lejos o desde afuera, sino desde su propia Jesús le dijo: Si quieres ser perfecto, ve y vende lo que posees y da a los pobres, y tendrás tesoro en los cielos; y ven, sígueme. It is said that he spoke constantly of Christ and tried to convert his companions, to the point that he was ordered to renounce his faith. If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk 7:14). [81] Address to the Volunteers of the XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama (27 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 28-29 January 2019, 11. The fresh and exuberant lives of young people who want to affirm their personality today confront a new challenge: that of interacting with a real and virtual world that they enter alone, as if setting foot on an undiscovered global continent. 225. Indeed, “youth” does not exist: there exist only young people, each with the reality of his or her own life. It is not enough that everything be calm and peaceful. 214. The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some. A mentor should therefore nurture the seeds of faith in young people, without expecting to immediately see the fruits of the work of the Holy Spirit. It becomes your vocation because you are called to it; it is something more than merely a pragmatic decision. Digital media can expose people to the risk of addiction, isolation and gradual loss of contact with concrete reality, blocking the development of authentic interpersonal relationships. I propose another way, one born of freedom, enthusiasm, creativity and new horizons, while at the same time cultivating the roots that nourish and sustain us. Always racing onward. Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Final Document of the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20181027_doc-final-instrumentum-xvassemblea-giovani_en.html, Address at the Vigil with Young People, XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama, Prayer at the Conclusion of the Way of the Cross, XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama, Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting in Preparation for the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Address at the Vigil, XXIV World Youth Day in Panama, Video Messsage for the World Meeting of Indigenous Youth in Panama, Address at the Visit to the Good Samaritan Home, Panama, Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting for the Preparation of the XV Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Meeting with Volunteers, XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (28 July 2013). Some realities in life are only seen with eyes cleansed by tears. The language of music also represents a pastoral resource with a particular bearing on the liturgy and its renewal”. Saint Alberto Hurtado told young people to think very seriously about the direction their lives should take: “If the helmsman of a ship becomes careless, he is fired straightaway for not taking his sacred responsibility seriously. Dominic died in 1857 at fourteen years of age, saying: “What a wondrous thing I am experiencing!”. To think that nothing can be definitive is a deceptive lie. Here we may find timely the witness of Maria Gabriella Perin, who lost her father shortly after her birth: she reflects on how this influenced her life, in a relationship that did not last but that left her a mother and now a grandmother. It is passion, passionate love. We need to ask: Do I know myself, quite apart from my illusions and emotions? Here I am not referring to family problems but to something experienced by boys and girls, young people and adults, parents and children alike. 3 Tháng Một, 2023. He saw that many young people, wanting to be different, really end up being like everyone else, running after whatever the powerful set before them with the mechanisms of consumerism and distraction. It is the love of the Lord, a daily, discreet and respectful love; a love that is free and freeing, a love that heals and raises up. Asking such questions helps me appreciate their thinking and the effects it has on their emotions. See Jesus as happy, overflowing with joy. Can I weep when I see a child who is starving, on drugs or on the street, homeless, abandoned, mistreated or exploited as a slave by society? You will be fully yourself. How, then, will she be able to respond to the dreams of young people? 83. [98] Address at the Vigil, XXIV World Youth Day in Panama, (26 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 28-29 January 2019, 6. “We can leave that to those who worship the ‘goddess of lament’… She is a false goddess: she makes you take the wrong road. Do not deprive your youth of this friendship. Familia Fagáceas pertinet et etiam Chapala seu Chaparro cognominatus est. [43] Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting in Preparation for the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome (24 March 2018), I, 4. 177. “Where does Jesus send us? Dear young people, my joyful hope is to see you keep running the race before you, outstripping all those who are slow or fearful. And the greatest enmity of all is war. I call us to be memory keepers. 15. L U C E S D E C H R I S T U S V I V I T P A G I N A 2 ¿ Q U E E S U N A E X H O R T A C I O N A P O S T O L I C A ? 288. 170. 223. Mary’s mission would undoubtedly be difficult, but the challenges that lay ahead were no reason to say ‘no’. 72. 147. This is a highly complex and sensitive issue that politics must make a priority, especially at present, when the speed of technological advances and the concern to reduce labour costs can lead quickly to the replacement of many jobs by machines. This phenomenon is widespread in society and it also affects the Church and represents a serious obstacle to her mission”. Rather, we need projects that can strengthen them, accompany them and impel them to encounter others, to engage in generous service, in mission. For this reason, he grants spouses his grace, which is at once light and the strength enabling them to achieve progressively their ideal of married life in accordance with God’s plan”.[147]. 299. What is most important, though, is that each young person can be daring enough to sow the seed of the message on that fertile terrain that is the heart of another young person. 184. 154. It tries to avoid imposing obstacles, rules, controls and obligatory structures on these young believers who are natural leaders in their neighbourhoods and in other settings. When seeking to discern our own vocation, there are certain questions we ought to ask. Those of us who are no longer young need to find ways of keeping close to the voices and concerns of young people. Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 169. Those young people who are not believers, yet wished to share their thoughts, also raised issues that led me to ask new questions. 176. It continues to grow and bear fruit throughout adulthood. [94] Homily at Mass, XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (28 July 2013): AAS 105 (2013), 665. Because he loves you. 62. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks” (Hos 11:4). Some young people “find family traditions oppressive and they flee from them under the impulse of a globalized culture that at times leaves them without points of reference. 201. 129. Far from obsessively seeking new pleasures, which would keep us from making the most of the present moment, we are asked to open our eyes and take a moment to experience fully and with gratitude every one of life’s little gifts. But opposed to these hopes and dreams that generate decisions, there is always the temptation to complain or give up. #cristonautas #Fundaciónpane #christusvivit #pastoraljuvenil #pjlatinoamerica #jovenes Laura Vargas, Secretaria Ejecutiva de PJ Región Nororiente, Guatemala1. La Exhortación Apostólica Cristo Vive está compuesta de nueve ca-pítulos. [159] Of course, you are for God. As they listen to him speak, their hearts burn within them and their minds are opened; they then recognize him in the breaking of the bread. 108. Youth ministry needs to become more flexible: inviting young people to events or occasions that provide an opportunity not only for learning, but also for conversing, celebrating, singing, listening to real stories and experiencing a shared encounter with the living God. Similarly, especially in the case of young people who do not come from Christian families or institutions, and are slowly growing to maturity, we have to encourage all the good that we can. He needs the young to be shallow, uprooted and distrustful, so that they can trust only in his promises and act according to his plans. 247. [73] Restless discontent, combined with exhilaration before the opening up of new horizons, generates a boldness that leads you to stand up and take responsibility for a mission. If it is true that some priests do not give good witness, that does not mean that the Lord stops calling. Lk 24:31-33). Yet in that sorrowful plea, the words of Jesus make themselves heard: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Mt 5:4). The family should be the first place of accompaniment. [124] EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE OF ARGENTINA, Declaración de San Miguel, Buenos Aires, 1969, X, 1. Yet he knew how to use the new communications technology to transmit the Gospel, to communicate values and beauty. We should never underestimate the ability of young people to be open to contemplative prayer. Do not let yourselves be enslaved by forms of ideological colonization that put ideas in your heads, with the result that you end up becoming slaves, addicts, failures in life. 42. 118. But what I can tell you, with absolute certainty, is that you can find security in the embrace of your heavenly Father, of the God who first gave you life and continues to give it to you at every moment. 97. “The Synod reaffirms the firm commitment made to adopting rigorous preventative measures intended to avoid the recurrence [of these crimes], starting with the selection and formation of those to whom tasks of responsibility and education will be entrusted”. [4] Final Document of the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 60. They do not shun or fear those young people who have experienced hurt or borne the weight of the cross. 103. 84. Do I know what brings joy or sorrow to my heart? When he asks something of you, or simply makes you face life’s challenges, he is hoping that you will make room for him to push you, to help you grow. [18], 45. TGPSG - Câu slogan "Tôi biết tôi đã tin vào ai" và khẩu hiệu "Christus Vivit - Chúa Kitô đang sống" trên. No, education makes us raise questions, keeps us from being anaesthetized by banality, and impels us to pursue meaning in life. He became a Salesian seminarian, filled with the desire to return to his tribe, bringing Jesus Christ to them. Could I develop those abilities? In this way, by learning from one another, we can better reflect that wonderful multifaceted reality that Christ’s Church is meant to be. Whereas if you simply copy someone else, you will deprive this earth, and heaven too, of something that no one else can offer. [54] Address at the Opening of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (3 October 2018): L’Osservatore Romano, 5 October 2018, 8. 124. Don’t let that happen to you! In others, we can glimpse an ideal of human fraternity, which is no small thing. Christ is alive! Work is an expression of human dignity, a path of development and of social inclusion. TO YOUNG PEOPLE AND TO THE ENTIRE PEOPLE OF GOD. That is why I would remind you of the most important question of all. You are the now of God, and he wants you to bear fruit. 35. Lk 2:42), he was wandering freely among the crowd, even though they did not see him for an entire day: “supposing him to be in the group of travellers, they went a day’s journey” (Lk 2:44). [32] What harm this does to young people, even though some do not notice it! If we hold fast to him, we will have life, and be protected from the threats of death and violence that may assail us in life. 266. 2 Kg 5:2-6). Youth missions, which usually take place during school holidays after a period of preparation, can lead to a renewed experience of faith and even serious thoughts about a vocation. Youth ministry, as traditionally carried out, has been significantly affected by social and cultural changes. More than rules and obligations, the choice that Jesus sets before us is to follow him as friends follow one another, seeking each other’s company and spending time together out of pure friendship. That is why it pains me to see young people sometimes being encouraged to build a future without roots, as if the world were just starting now. Love between a man and a woman, when it is passionate, always leads to giving life. For this reason, Saint Augustine could lament: “Late have I loved you, beauty ever ancient, ever new! 1.- "El santo rosario no es una práctica piadosa del pasado, como oración de otros tiempos en los que se podría pensar con nostalgia. Let us look briefly at each of them. En la Exhortación Apostólica Christus Vivit, Cristo vive, el Papa Francisco se dirige a toda la Iglesia, pero en especial a los jóvenes del mundo. Mt 2:19-23). Ana Catalina Muñoz Roldán de San José, Costa Rica, del Movimiento de Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil, nos comparte sus comentarios del Capítulo 2, Número 42, de la Exhortación Apostólica Christus Vivit del Papa Francisco. Let us draw upon some of the richness of the sacred Scriptures, since they often speak of young people and of how the Lord draws near to encounter them. 195. CHRISTUS VIVIT CAPÍTULO SÉPTIMO. As a result, Carlo said, “everyone is born as an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies”. I mentioned there that all of us, but “especially the young, are immersed in a culture of zapping. It can also have serious and understandable reasons: sexual and financial scandals; a clergy ill-prepared to engage effectively with the sensitivities of the young; lack of care in homily preparation and the presentation of the word of God; the passive role assigned to the young within the Christian community; the Church’s difficulty in explaining her doctrine and ethical positions to contemporary society”. Along these lines, our institutions should provide young people with places they can make their own, where they can come and go freely, feel welcome and readily meet other young people, whether at times of difficulty and frustration, or of joy and celebration. «Ciertas realidades de la vida solamente se ven con los ojos…" Christus vivit "Cristo vive. When it comes to worship and prayer, “in many settings, young Catholics are asking for prayer opportunities and sacramental celebrations capable of speaking to their daily lives through a fresh, authentic and joyful liturgy”. Francis died in 1226. Nor is this the only sin of the members of the Church; her long history is not without its shadows. For this reason, “there is nothing so precious as a faithful friend” (Sir 6:15). We have no right to deprive them of this great good. In Gideon, we see the frankness of young people, who are not used to sugar-coating reality. For those who are not called to marriage or the consecrated life, it must always be remembered that the first and most important vocation is the vocation we have received in baptism. POPE FRANCIS AND FRIENDS, Sharing the Wisdom of Time, Chicago, Loyola Press, 2018. Dear young people, “you are priceless! Or he tells us that we have been awaited from eternity, for it was not by chance that we came into this world: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you” (Jer 31:3). Instead, let yourself be loved by God, for he loves you just as you are. [97] â€œLord, make me a channel of your peace”, prayer inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi. 182. 115. Inseparable from a “popular” youth ministry is an irrepressible “popular” missionary activity that breaks through our customary models and ways of thinking. Matthew situates the time of the Lord’s youth between two events: his family’s return to Nazareth after their exile, and Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan, the beginning of his public ministry. She was a young peasant girl who, despite her tender years, fought to defend France from invaders. 168. It is for everyone. The ability to discern pathways where others only see walls, to recognize potential where others see only peril. “We must remember that prayerful discernment has to be born of an openness to listening – to the Lord and to others, and to reality itself, which always challenges us in new ways. [48] In a special way, I urge young people not to play into the hands of those who would set them against other young people, newly arrived in their countries, and who would encourage them to view the latter as a threat, and not possessed of the same inalienable dignity as every other human being. Social enmity, on the other hand, is destructive. This, then, is your great challenge: to respond to the crippling refrains of cultural consumerism with thoughtful and firm decisions, with research, knowledge and sharing”.[117]. I need to ask myself what is it that the other person is trying to tell me, what they want me to realize is happening in their lives. The Synod pointed out that “many young saints have allowed the features of youth to shine forth in all their beauty, and in their day they have been real prophets of change. If we are not to go astray, we need a different starting point. I ask young people to let themselves be inspired by this vast majority. Even those who are most frail, limited and troubled can be missionaries in their own way, for goodness can always be shared, even if it exists alongside many limitations. [163] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis (25 March 1992), 10: AAS 84 (1992), 672. At the same time, we should take into greater consideration those practices that have shown their value – the methods, language and aims that have proved truly effective in bringing young people to Christ and the Church. Nor does one have to accept fully all the teachings of the Church to take part in certain of our activities for young people. [19] Prayer at the Conclusion of the Way of the Cross, XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama (26 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 27 January 2019, 12. I have been following news reports of the many young people throughout the world who have taken to the streets to express the desire for a more just and fraternal society. Although it is never easy to approach young people, two things have become increasingly evident: the realization that the entire community has to be involved in evangelizing them, and the urgent requirement that young people take on a greater role in pastoral outreach. All such mentors should benefit from being well-formed, and engage in ongoing formation”.[134]. [155], 282. [86] You have to discover who you are and develop your own way of being holy, whatever others may say or think. The language that young people understand is spoken by those who radiate life, by those who are there for them and with them. If the young grow up in a world in ashes, it will be hard for them to keep alive the flame of great dreams and projects. v. 13), and he came to experience the bitterness of loneliness and poverty (cf. 5. [77] Meeting with Young People in Cagliari (22 September 2013): AAS 105 (2013), 904-905.